Rubin & Ed DVD
Rubin & Ed
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Rubin & Ed is the first feature by Trent Harris.

"More psy­che­del­ic fun than a bar­rel of mon­keys on mush­rooms!"

– Details Magazine


“Quotable, hi­lar­i­ous, and, yes, even mov­ing, writer-director Trent Harris' bud­dy picture like no other yearns for an audi­ence and cult-classic status. Like, im­me­di­ate­ly.” 

‑ Film Comment, Film Society at Lincoln Center


“No reasonable person could deny the genius of any movie involving two republicans, bell­bottoms, a water-skiing cat, a pyramid scheme, Mahler and a squeak‑mouse.”

– Bamboozled

If you need an invoice contact us at:

Buy with PayPal, or you can send a check or money order for $25 (includes s/h) to: Trent Harris, 115 South 1100 East #405, Salt Lake City, Utah 84102.

Rubin & Ed