Delightful Water Universe DVD

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"Some people like my films ... and then there is the rest of the world."

– Trent Harris

In the near future nin­com­poops are in charge. Free thinkers are lock­ed up. And some believe Bigfoot is con­trol­ling prime time TV with a hat made from wind­­shield wipers. As America crum­bles into anarchy, rev­o­lu­tion­ary madman Franklin Mus­cle­white labors to finish a book he be­lieves will save the world. Mean­while, Vicious, a washed up report­er, teams up with T.T. Swack­humma, a wacky en­vi­ron­­men­tal­ist, to unravel the Bigfoot mystery and its con­nec­tion to Delightful Water Universe, a drink that stops people from thinking.

Once again Trent Harris has created an epic about heroic misfits for heroic misfits.


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Buy with PayPal, or you can send a check or money order for $25 (includes s/h) to: Trent Harris, 115 South 1100 East #405, Salt Lake City, Utah 84102.
